Reasons to Consider Boarding your Dog
While it’s true that most of us would gladly spend our days playing with our dogs, it’s not a possibility for most of us. Many of us have jobs and other responsibilities that we must attend to, and these things often get in the way of taking care of our beloved pets.
As we simply can’t be with our pets as much as we want to, we must have a plan in place for when we can’t take care of them.
Upcoming Trip
While cats are easy to leave on their own for a night or two, dogs are a bit different. Cats are solitary creatures capable of fending from themselves as long as they have food, water, and a litter box accessible. Dogs, though, need to be played with, fed at certain times, let outside, and taken on walks. Basically, they require a person to take care of them, even if it’s just for a day or two.
One solution people consider is having a friend or family member come over to tend to the dog. This might sound like a good idea but often leaves the dog feeling lonely or neglected. These people often come over once or twice a day to tend to the dog’s needs. There is not very much interaction going on.
With dog boarding in Sydney, their needs are all met as there is somebody there to attend to their needs. Not only is somebody always there to take care of them, but they also get the chance to interact with other dogs.
Change in Housing
Moving to a new home is a perfect opportunity to consider dog boarding. Moving alone is stressful enough for humans with so many items out of place and/or exposed. Why make it harder on your dog? The best-case scenario is having an energetic golden retriever or a new puppy running about, but less desirable scenarios include trampling or chewing through things.
Moving to a new home is only one situation to consider. Boarding your dog might also be helpful if you are undergoing any home renovations or repairs. Things are out of place during this process, rooms are left exposed, and sometimes doors are left open by mistake. This is not only stressful for you and your dog, but it also increases the risk of them getting out of the house and yard. The last thing any of us want is a missing pet.